dissabte, 23 de gener del 2010

scott brown

Scott Brown is the Massachusetts Republican who won the Senate seat in yesterday's race against Democratic candidate Martha Coakley. "Scott Brown Massachusetts" has been a hot search all week, but not only for his political involvement. Turns out Brown, who's now a 50-year-old husband and a father of two daughters in their twenties, once posed nude for Cosmopolitan -- and we have the evidence.

2 comentaris:

  1. Hola bona tarde,
    Actualment aquets senyor es un senador, la seva vida anterior i privada no en tenim que fer res, tots es te que dir, estava molt bo.
    Fin un altre.
    molts petons

  2. Hola bona tarde,
    Actualment aquets senyor es un senador, la seva vida anterior i privada no en tenim que fer res, tots es te que dir, estava molt bo.
    Fin un altre.
    molts petons
